1. Explain why Aschenbach feels a need to travel.
2. Given the many references to Ancient Greek myth and aesthetics, the Greek world was an important concept of Aschenbach. Dionysus is the Greek god of passion and excess. Give examples of
the ‘Dionysian’ in the narrative—including the reference to the Dionysian worship.
3. What could the ‘painted old man’ on the boat represent?
1. Atleast to look for greener pasture and experience a new life there.
2. Aschenbach is the son of a high-ranking legal official descended from a family with a long tradition of austere and disciplined service to the Prussian state. His mother was the daughter of a music director from Bohemia. The narrator explains that it was this marriage between disciplined conscientiousness and darker, more passionate inclinations that made Aschenbach the artist he is.
3. The tiresome journey.
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