i. What is prophethood?
ii. Write down the importance of the prophets for the human society
iii. Discuss the life of the following prophets in detail. And what lesson do we get from their life?
a) Prophet Adam
b) Prophet Houd
c) Prophet Ayyob
i. What is prophethood?
The calling of God to communicate a divinely provided message to humans and the unknown realm of spirits is known as prophethood.
ii. Write down the importance of the prophets for the human society
Muslims consider prophecy to be an essential aspect of human history. Muslims believe that God has already selected individuals with whom He wishes to connect, and that He then'sends' these prophets to a particular group to communicate His words and will. God chooses prophets to be messengers (rasul) who deliver a message (risalah).
iii. Discuss the life of the following prophets in detail. And what lesson do we get from their life?
a) Prophet Adam
Dam or Aadam is thought to be the first human on Earth and the first Muslim prophet. Muslims regard Adam's status as the father of the human race with reverence.According to Islam, God created Adam out of a handful of earth taken from all over the world, which explains why the world's citizens are of various colors. He was the first Muslim and the first prophet of Islam, according to the Islamic origin myth. Adam's position as the human race's father.
b) Prophet Houd
Prophet Hud was an ancient Arabian prophet mentioned in the Quran. The Quran and Prophet Mohammad revealed nothing about Hud's exact age or when he was tasked with prophesthood.
Prophet Hud was instructed to remind people that arrogance would result in disbelief and as a result Allah Almighty may take away whatever He has bestowed.
c) Prophet Ayyob
The Prophet Ayyub is a devout servant of Allah's servants. God wants to put it to the test in his home, family, and body. It misplaced his treasure, and he became penniless after becoming among the wealthiest. Then he was deserted by his wife and family, and he experienced the sense of silence and isolation. Finally, he was diagnosed with a disease in his body, and he experienced pain as a result of it, but he patiently faced all of this and remained thankful to Allah for allowing him to spend his time and days alone with his sickness and loneliness.
Patience is a well-known moral philosophy. Humans are constantly confronted with anxiety and joy as they go about their daily lives in the world. Life's challenges are seen as a test and a torture by humans. They consider happiness to be a blessing.
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