1. What is the purpose of the material?
I.D. cards serve as the most effective way to strengthen security. Besides, I.D. also delivers a great deal of suitable functionality for both students and staff.
2. Where do you usually see or encounter it?
Primary, secondary, or trade school, or different learning institution, use school I.D. to create an optimal learning environment. Almost every schoolhouse creates I.D. cards for their staff, faculty, and students.
3. What is the key message? Implicit/Explicit
The most basic form of identification is usually printed with a student`s photo, name, ID number, expiration date, and extra relevant data about the holder. Besides, the name and logo of the learning establishment are also included on the plastic. The back of the school card is just as critical and is often overlooked and left space. This is the exact place to show terms and conditions of use, a return address (should a member of the public find a lost card), or even useful information for the holder - such as phone numbers for key departments (The Complete IDPrinter Buyer's Guide).
4. Is it clear and effective? Why?
School I.D is clear since it is the most basic form of identification. Moreover, it is effective as it provides an access control.
5. What are the elements and features that makes it clear and effective?
The information about the individual is provided on the plastic card in a laconic manner. School I.D gives all the necessary data about the cardholder as well as his/her attendance. By using school I.D card, students do not have to carry cash, which is more trustworthy, because money cannot be lost or stolen.
The Complete IDPrinter Buyer's Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2018, from https://www.alphacard.com/learning-center/id-card-design-resources/sample-id-card-designs/
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