Select an art work from the books or objects. And describe its qualities, characteristics, construction etc and how you feel about it.
For visual art, this means understanding the elements of art. These creative building blocks are essential and having a grasp on how they work is important both for artists and for lovers of art. By gaining a deeper understanding of the elements of art, it's easier to analyze, unravel, and create any type of artwork from painting and photography to sculpture and architecture. The key characteristics of visual art involves Line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture. The qualities entail,straight curved thick thin horizontal vertical
oblique diagonal wavy angular long jagged
shape- regular irregular geometric angular round
curved- square length
reverse inverse pattern
colour -primary secondary tertiary tone shade ,complementary contrast blend light dark and chroma hue pigment
texture -tactile optical smooth rough sharp lumpy
scaly slimy furry spiky simulated
form 3-D, 2-D, viewpoint,
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