In your own words, describe two other mediation techniques.
Expert's answer
Pro se mediation - In this type of mediation, both parties come to the mediation table without an attorney.  Some people choose to hire an attorney to guide them along the way. However, if an attorney is utilized, they will not be physically present during negotiations. I call this a roundtable negotiation. It is fairly literal. During this, both parties will come together at a common table to negotiate the terms of their settlement. They are able to freely discuss their options, needs, and interests. The mediator guides them along the way. Remember, if an attorney is used, they will not be part of this discussion.
Conventional mediation - In this type of mediation, each party is represented by their own attorney. The process starts with everyone together in a room for an introduction. This typically lasts between five to ten minutes. Then, each client and attorney duo go into a separate room. The mediator then goes back and forth between the two rooms to assist in negotiating a settlement.  As a neutral party, the mediator works to help close the gap between the two divergent positions.  At the conclusion of a conventional mediation, one of the party’s attorneys will draft the legally binding documents to effectuate their agreed upon terms.
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