Write your insights about the quote from Terry Pratchett:
“Let grammar, punctuation, and spelling into your life! Even the most
energetic and wonderful mess has to be turned into sentences.”
Language is an essential part of our daily lives. Communicating in different forms would be easier if we are geared with at least the basic rules in language use. Meaning is created in a way that it is presented.
Well though of messages are presented, in a way that it follows the rules in grammar, punctuation and spelling when it is written; proper enunciation, intonation, stress, diction, tone and mood are considered when the message conveyed is listened to or said. Language should be used effectively and essentially, taking into consideration the message to be conveyed to the listener or the reader of the information being presented. The rules are there to be followed for better understanding, and to avoid confusion in presentation of our ideas. We can better communicate if our sentences are in its proper form, and it follows the rules in grammar, punctuation and off course spelling if its written.
As it is language is there for understanding. We have to bear in mind that language should be used wisely and effectively. Minimizing mistakes or lessening these lapses in language use can create a better impact as to how we communicate to other people.
Step-by-step explanation
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are important deals in communication particularly in the written form. Proper usage creates better conveying of the message or information, and makes the communication process and essential and effective one.
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