explain how you would use the values associated with Ubuntu in your classroom to promote a culture that is inclusive and seeks to provide quality Education for all?
The application of Ubuntu (sharing, love, respect, cooperation and support) as a teaching strategy is used to elicit experiences, support and cooperation among learners. As a teacher learning is a social activity and when classroom interaction is based on the precepts of ubuntu it may not only promote peer support but also encourage the practice of ubuntu and promote social cohesion
The principles that the missionaries used, like love for fellow-
man, justice, equality, peace, human dignity as stated in the Bible, should be
followed. These Christian values reflect a great deal of similarities with the
Ubuntu. values.
In the classroom expressions such as, attention one student gives to another; the kindness,
courtesy, consideration and friendliness in relationship between students as
embodied in Ubuntu.
To be relevant to the classroom in applying Ubuntu, I believe that learning should take a form of
collective social process as Ubuntu dictates that: "Umuntu Ngumuntu
Ngabantu", characterized by elements such as solidarity, respect, dignity,
compassion and survival. In this sense, it can be used to augment the
constitution of the country. Ubuntu, emphases respect for particularity and, in
a way, it promotes multiculturalism.
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