Other Study Questions
1. What kinds of challenges do you think female soldiers face within a male dominated military system?
2. As we've studied in texts by Chang-rae Lee, Timothy Findley, and others, sexual harrassment and sexual assault are often integrated into the military culture. Why do you think sexual harassment and sexual assault are so rampant in the military environment? How might this impact female soldiers?
According to the National Resource on Domestic Violence, “Among the most pervasive stressors experienced by military women are incidents of sexual assault and harassment. By some accounts, nearly a third of female veterans report episodes of sexual assault during military service, while 71 to 90 percent report experiences of sexual harassment. These experiences are closely associated with PTSD in a variety of studies; in fact, military sexual assault is a stronger predictor of PTSD among women veterans than combat history” (Natelson’s, 2009; Murdoch et. al, 2003).
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