. In your opinion, state THREE long-term effects of workplace bullying and discuss THREE
ways in which one can deal with the effects you have mentioned
Long term effects of workplace bullying include;
1) Health Risks. The effects of workplace bullying don't end when you leave the office. Being a victim of bullying can cause physical and psychological health problems, including: Higher blood pressure, Mood changes, Panic attacks, Stress, Ulcers, and Worry.
2) increased stress
3) low self-esteem, and feelings of anxiety and depression.
Strategies to cope
2) Set boundaries: When a bully engages in abusive behavior, tell them what they have done and that such behavior is unacceptable. Let them know that their behavior will not be tolerated and that if it occurs again, you will take action. Setting boundaries lets others know what type of behavior you are willing to accept.
2) Confront the behavior: Once you establish a boundary, it is essential to follow through with the consequences. If the abuse, call out the behavior the next time it happens. Ask them to leave until they are able to behave in a professional, work-appropriate manner.
3) Keep track of the abuse: Whenever you feel that you have been bullied at work, document the details including the time and exactly what happened. Write down any witnesses who were present and save a
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