Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Study Guide
Directions: Answer these study guide questions as you read with as much depth as possible. Doing so will force you to stop and think about what is happening in the story and why. These notes are a more structured form of annotation.
Chronological Reading Comprehension Questions:
Describe Montag’s life at home.
He has no real relationships and can't have a real thought of his own. The room was cold but nonetheless he felt he could not breathe. He did not wish to open the curtains and open the French windows, for he did not want the moon to come into the room. A third-generation fireman, Montag fits the stereotypical role, with his "black hair, black brows… fiery face, and… blue-steel shaved but unshaved look." Montag takes great joy in his work and serves as a model of twenty-fourth-century professionalism.
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