Kannagi is presented as an outlaw. Comment in 1000 words
Memories of Kannagi who epitomizes chastity and justice invade the sacred air inside Chellathamman Temple, as the priest Logu Pillai pensively tells her story – brewed in love, betrayal, melancholy and revenge! “This was where Kannagi took shelter under Madiri Adigal, an old Jain nun, while her husband Kovalan went to sell the emerald anklet in the market,” narrates Logu Pillai.
“Till date, Kannagi is seen as a revolutionary, who broke the codes of the system and questioned the king directly. She didn’t plead for justice. She demanded it. She burnt down the city to avenge the wrong caused to her,” adds Gopi. “The parable of Kannagi is famous across Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka and neighboring Kerala. There are even folk traditions to the story. She is worshipped as Pattini devi in different parts of Southern India,” says Mahima. “We see Kannagi as a bridge between the three religions and the three kingdoms of Chola, Chera and Pandya. We also view her as a symbol of female power and women empowerment.
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