Give 3 reason why prostitution should be decriminalized
and support each with a paragraph
1) To reduce exposure of sex workers to abuse and exploitation by law enforcement officials, such as police officers. It has been found out in criminalized environments, police officers harass, extort bribes, and physically and verbally abuse, or even rape or coerce sex from them.
2) It makes them more vulnerable to violence, including rape, assault, and murder, by attackers who see sex workers as easy targets because they are stigmatized and unlikely to receive help from the police. Criminalization also force them to work in unsafe locations to avoid the police.
3) It undermines their ability to seek justice for crimes against them. For example, they may not report armed robbery or rape to the police as they are afraid of being arrested since their business is illegal and that their experience with police is of being harassed or profiled and arrested, or laughed at or not taken seriously. Even when they report crimes, they are not willing to testify in court against their assailants and rapists for fear of facing sanctions or further abuse because of their work and status.
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