Antigone Scene Analysis
Directions: For each day of reading, please complete the following analysis of scenes and odes in complete sentences.
Scene #/Name: Exodus
1) The Soldier delivers Antigone to Creon, who condemns her to death because she buried the body. Creon and Antigone argue about the merits of their respective arguments. Antigone refuses to share her fate or her glory, so Ismene joins them and tries to take Antigone's side. Sophocles introduces the concept of romantic love, which is new to the Oedipus Trilogy, in this ode. The chorus, reflecting on Creon and Haemon's discourse, comes to the conclusion that love is the source of their strife.
2) In Sophocles' Antigone, the third scene opens with Haimon assuring his father of his fidelity. He dismisses his son, almost as severely as he dismisses Antigone and women in general, and predicts Antigone's death. Haimon refuses to believe Creon and tells his father that he will never return.
3) The key quotes are "She'll never escape, she and her blood sister, the most horrific death," and "She'll never escape, she and her blood sister, the most barbaric death." "Go down below and love the dead, if you must love!" "Not for a minute ashamed, not to honor my brother, my own flesh and blood," says the narrator. "Let me die by your side, consecrating the dead with you." Creon believes that men should be stronger than women, but Antigone has proven to be an anarchist, rejecting Creon's decree. When Haimon tries to argue with his father by noting Creon's subjects' dissatisfaction, the king becomes enraged.
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