The Future of ICT
In the past, telephones were used to communicate in long distances. This technology is not mobile, meaning it can't be carried anywhere. Today, the most common telecommunication device allows people to communicate that can fit in our pockets.
If you were to make, craft, or build an ICT device in any academic field 20 years from now, how would name and describe it? In 200 words, using your PC/laptop, encode a detailed description of your device and what it can do to the society.
Technology changes in a supersonic speed and 20 years from now the world will experience another super technological shift. If i would design the devices of the future i would introduce devices that are tiny in size smaller than actual smart phones. In fact, with adoption of Artificial intillignece and the Internet of Things, the devices would perform any related search, communication and other human related task successfully in a speed that exceeds that of human. The device would be communicating amongst themselves and providing feedback to the users in a particular field. For instance, if the devices are performing an academic search for students, they will source information from past usage and from various internet related sources to give students desirable feedback.
Users of the future may be connected to the device via the brain. Users will resign from typing or speaking to their devices for the devices would be smart enough to read the users thinking via a new specified technology of reading the human thinking and intent.
The storage capacity of the new devices would read in terabytes as the amount of data being collected per unit time will be gigantic.
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