Using your own words, write a paragraph of ten to fifteen lines about the process of ‘acculturation’
as discussed in the eassy “fifty years in lahore ” by intizar hussain
The process of acculturation is described in the Intizar Hussain's "fiffty years in lahore". Intizar Hussain describes acculturation as a social, psychological, and cultural change that stems from the balancing of two cultures as they interact in adapting to the prevailing culture of the society. He is known and loved for intermingling Urdu fiction with mythology. Intizar also mixed religious traditions and folktales to create powerful images of contemporary social, political and cultural milieu. In his "fifty years in lahore" writings, especially in the post-1971 era, Intizar Hussain explored new themes. One of them was loss of humanness and moral values in his fellow countrymen. Intizar Hussain much mourned in his fiction the loss of humanness, morality and, yet again, dreams gone awry. Still, his fiction retained a streak of hopefulness that he conveyed through a dazzling array of symbols, allegories and fables. Intizar searched for cultural identity and humanness, as among the biggest concern that he showed.
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