Lord of the Flies Study Guide Questions
Direction: Your answers need to be thorough, and where possible, quote the text (with citation).
Chapter 9-10
Symbolism: Describe the setting as Simon reaches the beach. What does this symbolize? What is symbolized by what happens to Simon at the beach? What becomes of the dead parachutist? What does this symbolize? In the raid, why are Piggy’s glasses taken, but not the shell? Why is this symbolic?
On the island, the beach represents a fresh start. When something significant happens on the island, it usually begins or ends on the beach. The beach, in reality, is like a new beginning because the water washes away the sand, allowing the sand beneath to have a fresh start on top. Simon emerges from the woods, injured and fatigued, and in the dim light, somewhat unrecognizable. He is mistakenly identified as the beast by the group, who has already worked themselves up into a rage. He is bludgeoned to death. Simon's death could be interpreted as a sign that barbarism has triumphed over civilization, that virtue has given way to evil. He rises and the parachute lifts him over the treetops, scaring the lads on his journey to the ocean, shortly after witnessing the savages in action. The island has lost all traces of civilization. Piggy's glasses reflect science and technology, as well as humanity's ability to change and remake their surroundings to better suit their needs.
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