Suppose you are hosting a famous tv show and you are required to interview a famous popular Pakistani female politician . Write at least ten questions which you will ask her to know about her incredible journey in the field of politics
Where does she want to see her constituency in terms of development in 5 years once she is elected?
If given a chance to amend the constitution without interference what would she change?
If given a chance to be CM of her state what necessary actions and plans she will implement??
How necessary are community development and education?
Who is an important vote or voter and why?
What is the beauty of being a leader in Pakistani? What kind of leaders does Pakistani deserve??
How confident is she about winning this election?
How does she plan on tackling issues such as unemployment, healthcare and education?
What is her idea of the political scenario in Pakistani?
Why is she campaigning for this “XYZ” agenda? Why does she think this is important?
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