For each of the following sentences
(a) identify the verb and give its sub-category.
(b) Identify all the major functions: subject (S), direct object (dO), indirect object (iO), subject-predicative (sP), object-predicative (oP), prepositional comple- ment (PC). Make sure the sub-category of the verb is consistent with the functions you assign.
(c) Give the category of each constituent you have identified under (b) above.
(1) Petrol got more expensive.
(2) Alexander’s father left him.
(3) Alexander’s father left him the theatre.
(4) Alexander’s father left him in the care of the bishop.
(5) Several of the men complained.
(6) He referred to the fact that you had no clothes on.
(7) All the customers sit their children on the counter.
(8) Her mother and father approve of Matilda’s behaviour.
(9) Most of the students do the work you set.
(10) Col. Mustard locked Miss Scarlett in the library.
(11) Children in ragged clothes scampered along the street.
(1) Petrol got more expensive.
(2) Alexander’s father left him.
him =indirect object
alexanders father, subject
(3) Alexander’s father left him the theatre.
the theatre; direct object
him indirect object
Alexander’s father. subject
(4) Alexander’s father left him in the care of the bishop.
Alexander’s father=subject
n the care of= prepositional subject
on the counter. =indirect object
(5) Several of the men complained.
Several of the men =subject
complained. =object-predicative (oP)
(6) He referred to the fact that you had no clothes on.
no clothes object-predicative (oP),
the fact=object-predicative (oP),
(7) All the customers sit their children on the counter.
All the customers =subject
children =subject-predicative (sP),
(8) Her mother and father approve of Matilda’s behaviour.
Her mother=subject
Matilda’s behaviour.=direct objrct
(9) Most of the students do the work you set.
the work you set.
students =subject-predicative (sP),
n the care of=object-predicative (oP),
(10) Col. Mustard locked Miss Scarlett in the library.
Col. Mustard =subject
Miss Scarlett=object-predicative (oP),
in the library.=subject-predicative (sP)
(11) Children in ragged clothes scampered along the street.
in =prepositional compliment
along the street=Direct objective
Children =subject
agged clothes =indirect object
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