1. Why is it important to know and appreciate localized materials found in our community?
2. How can an artist maximize the limited resources in creating artwork especially a decorative one?
Question One
Local materials can be characterized as products, art work, foods, brands, talents and many others that exist in our local community. Local materials are very important in that they sustain our community and make it beautiful. For instance we have goods, foods, clothes and accessories made using local materials. Recognizing and appreciating our local materials adds beauty in our lives. For example appreciating and developing local artist talents helps a community grow. One does not need to wear imported clothes or shoes in order to look good because the locals have talents to make beautiful products using local resources. Associating oneself with the local materials reminds us of who we are and where we come from.
Question Two
Local artists in their artwork are faced with limited resources but they try as much as possible to utilize the locally available resources to make their work as beautiful and attractive as they can. An artist must utilize the principles of art to create an effect and convey its intent precisely and in a beautiful manner. The principles of art and design are balance, movement, pattern, emphasis, contrast and unity. Here the artist carefully plans and organizes the elements of art to hold interest and command attention as much as possible.
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