1) Please give us one example of how you have exhibited leadership. Explain what you were trying to achieve, your role, how you influenced others, and the impact as a result of your actions. Think broadly and examine the many ways you are having an effect on the members of the different communities you are a part of. Keep in mind, the example you choose does not need to be a formal or traditional leadership role.
2) What is a significant challenge that impacts historically excluded groups in the field of technology and what do you believe is the root cause of this challenge? What actions have you taken to address this challenge? Keep in mind that impact can happen in many ways and at different scales. Please focus at least half of your response on the actions you have taken.
3) Describe any financial circumstances affecting your need for a scholarship. In your answer be sure to describe any obstacles you have overcome to get to where you are today. What goals will this scholarship enable you to accomplish.
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