In your own opinion, in what way do you think music plays a great role in globalization and how does music connect to different aspects of life like with politics, sports, celebrities or other world phenomenon?
Many songs have the capability to help identify a culture, as well as educate countries about other cultures. Music has a way of inducing feelings, awakening old memories, and producing new ones. It can be used for entertainment, communication, and inspiration.
As such, «world music» engenders the concept of hybridization, which reflects levels of attainment in various aspects of human life in a global reality. In the field of technology, one observes creative efforts beinge endorsed by manufacturers of computer-generated
music leading, to such products as the chiptunes, referring to music composed for the microchip based
audio hardware of early home computers and gaming
consoles. These manufacturers visualize the world is
divided into zones a, b, c, etc., and the music being
played in zone d, can be heard also in zone z, without
traveling. In spite of this rather high tech attempt,
which is globalizing sounds of musical instruments of
the world, there are still aspects of certain musical elements that will resist being globalized in this process,
and absorbed into this form of high tech. This is due
to the fact that the identity of instruments is culturally
defined, i.e., every instrument is identified with of its
musical zone, in which it fulfills a specific cultural
function and it is an integral part of the essence of
musical style pertaining to a given geographic space
and people.
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