1) Demonstrate how Bloom’s taxonomy can guide you as an examiner in drawing
up effective assessments?
Bloom's taxonomy is a method created by Benjamin Bloom to categorize the levels of reasoning skills that students use for active learning. There are six levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and they include knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The most important use of Bloom's Taxonomy is that is a good heuristic for teachers to understand the varying levels of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective demand that teachers have as outcomes for students. It also helps with assessments in terms of matching your assessment items to the level of your objectives.
2) How will you modify the three steps involved in the reading process to accommodate the learners who are behind?
3) Evaluate any five Carol Reading pillars of creativity.
The pillars include;
4) Demonstrate how will you use the different aspects of sound to enhance the listening skills.
Listening skills can be enhanced by;
5) One of the most important skills a teacher needs to develop is the ability to engage with texts in a critical manner to prepare before you teach your grade three class. Analyze the above statement.
Strong teachers think critically. They practice the thinking art of analyzing and evaluating as they consider both day-to-day activities and long-term teaching and learning goals. They evaluate what they have, determine what they will need, and decide how and when to assess student progress.
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