Consider the cultural implications of children's literature and how this literature mirrors the values and morals within a specific culture.
Promotes empathy and unity
Cultural literature in children fosters positive self esteem and prevents students from feeling isolated. It has the ability to nature respect, empathy and acceptance among students.
Promotes cross-cultural friendship
It promotes interaction of learners from different cultural backgrounds. In this way cultural diversity is portrayed fostering belief that race is not a barrier, but rather a contribution to the beauty of our multicultural world.
Helps students to look critically at the world.
Helps students to develop global awareness by introducing them to current cultural issues. When students feel what other cultural communities go through, they tend to look at the global world differently and understand the global community.
Encourages identity formation
Identity formation is important in the social development of all children as it gives them sense of belonging and acceptance in the society. It confirmes that beliefs and experiences of minority students are valued.
Breaks down cultural barriers
Through cultural literature, cultural barriers are broken as they tend to understand each other's cultural beliefs .
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