Influence of music,dance and drama for social development.
Self control and self regulation
Music,dance and drama help children practice a crucial skill of impulse control in daily life. During singing with your children,you can tell them to leave out a line in the lyrics, this teaches them self regulation and control to see how it's hard to resist doing something
Self confidence and leadership skills
Tell your child to lead you on a song they know, follow the child's lyrics whether they get it or not, in this way their self confidence and leadership skills are built.
Social skills and socio-emotional intelligence
Making music together with your children or the whole family challenges children to work together with others. They learn the importance of respecting other's space and how they express themselves. They also practice working together towards a common goal.
Empathy development
Music, dance and drama also challenges children to watch the people around them for subtle cues to timing, expressiveness and volume, the same cues we use to read expression and moods on people's faces. Being able to perceive people's feelings is a basis for empathy and moral development
It leads to greater group cohesion, cooperation and pro social behavior.
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