The ability to communicate smoothly in more than one language is known as multilingualism. Multilingualism in the classroom provides various benefits, including greater cultural knowledge and appreciation, increased academic and educational value, increased creativity, societal adaptation, and understanding of local languages. Multilingualism is beneficial to brain health. It aids in the concentration and processing of information. It also slows the progression of dementia. Multilingualism offers an academic benefit in that it allows teachers to engage pupils by drawing on their past knowledge, experiences, and understanding. Teachers must improve students' ability to transfer skills and concepts from their native languages to English since they are encoded in their native tongues. By building relationships with their pupils and their social networks, teachers enable significant learning possibilities. Additionally, using multilingual ways of speaking, reading, and writing in the classroom allows students to get access to texts in other languages as well as cultural materials that enhance the personal significance of their classwork.
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