List elements of a good speech.
· Directness - the message of a good speech should be definite and relevant to the subject matter. Directness in delivering a speech ensures clarity and conciseness.
· Spontaneity - even though a good speech should be structured, it should not be scripted or be a rehearsed situation e.g. responses to commentaries or questions from the audience should be spontaneous talks.
· Vocal and facial expressiveness - a warm tone of voice and facial expressions are really crucial in understanding what a person is really trying to say. A warm and supportive tone when delivering a speech generate trust and increase cooperation among the audience. Facial expressions and gestures reflect one's degree of relaxation and help orchestrate language comprehension in the audience.
· Interesting - a good speech should be delivered in an interesting and pleasing way so that the audience is motivated to pay attention. A speaker should use informal touch even though speech is a formal address. They can incorporate stories, jokes, quotations and examples.
· Lively sense of communication - a speaker should be animated and enthusiastic when delivering a speech. They should also ensure participation of audience in the speech delivery process.
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