Causes and Effects of Gender-Based Violence
Causes of Gender-Based Violence
Drug and substance abuse can lead to gender-based violence. This is because in most cases or home settings where one or both marriage partners engage in drug abuse; there is always violence. Drugs and substances cause impaired decisions some of which include violence. Drugs abuses are known to be abusive and violent towards their close friends and family. Due to the impaired judgment, partners or married people are likely to face conflict that escalates to violence. Fighting among drug abusers is also common where both people involved are known to use drugs. Alcohol is one of the major causes of gender-based violence where abusive men are reported to beat or assault their female counterparts.
Joblessness may also lead to gender-based violence in marriage or home settings where one of the providers or both are unable to provide due to lack of finance. In most cases, the tradition or culture views men as the main provider. In a case where the man of the family fails to provide for the family due to lack of a job, he may be blamed by the family and thus such conflict may lead to violence. In a case where the women who fill dominant over the man due to financial ability while the man is compelled by culture to be dominant, such cases may lead to gender-based violence (John 2020).
Stressful environment such as restrictions and guidelines of COVID-19, in these cases, people are faced with curfews and lockdown. These restrictions lead to stressfulness among couples or families. Stress within the family often leads to conflicts that sometimes escalate to violence. In a family where there is violence, often one person is violated on a gender basis. This may be the men or the women.
Effects of Gender-Based Violence
Effects of gender-based violence include separation and divorce for married couples. When one of the partners in a relationship feels violated, he or she may decide to separate or divorce the partner. This leads to broken families. Since the married are forced to live differently and in cases where there are children or dependents, they suffer (Wirtz 2020).
Gender-based violence leads to imprisonment or punishment by the government. When someone is assaulted due to violence, in most jurisdictions, the law dictates that the aggressor be imprisoned as a punishment. Imprisonment also causes separation, divorce, and also suffering from the dependents. Since one of the providers is rendered financially unstable through imprisonment. Imprisonment also causes enmity between the involved parties which may further result in future conflicts.
John, N., Casey, S. E., Carino, G., & McGovern, T. (2020). Lessons never learned: crisis and gender‐based violence. Developing world bioethics, 20(2), 65-68.
Wirtz, A. L., Poteat, T. C., Malik, M., & Glass, N. (2020). Gender-based violence against transgender people in the United States: a call for research and programming. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 21(2), 227-241.
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