Discuss the reasons why people migrate to a new location, and the effects this has on both the migrants and the current residents in their new community.
The movement of people from one permanent residence to another is known as migration. The population of a location changes as a result of this movement. The movement of people from one country to another is known as international migration.
Reasons why people migrate
To avoid persecution based on race, religion, nationality, and/or membership in a certain social group or political position in the past or in the future
After being displaced due to natural circumstances, seek sanctuary.
To get away from a fight or violence
To seek superior healthcare
To seek jobs and business opportunities
Effects of migration
A huge population places an excessive amount of strain on natural resources, amenities, and services.
Migration changes the population of a place, therefore, the distribution of the population is uneven.
Migration has increased the number of slum regions in cities, which has resulted in an increase in a variety of issues such as unsanitary conditions, crime, pollution, and so on.
People's quality of life improves as a result of migration.
People's social lives are improved as they learn about other cultures, customs, and languages, which promotes brotherhood among them.
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