5. It is only the end of the story that the titles significance is revealed. Write down the paragraph in which you explain the irony of the story s title. (10)
The story about Makhulu Mankwayi
The title of the story about Makhulu Mamkwayi is 'Man Lands On The Moon' by Sindiwe Magona. The story majorly circulates around successful people who were able to reach the moon in the recent past. However, not a single woman was among the twelve astronauts that had already made six lunar trips to the moon. The naming of the missions already points a choice. For example, Apollo, which one of the missions, refers to male deity considered to be a god of the sun, medicine, light, music and poetry. At the end of the story, the significance of the title is revealed when the author highlights the distinction of duties between girls and boys, with the boys getting all the privileges, especially when the narrator says that mama loses all the hopes of ever getting to the moon to see everything for herself.
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