How according to you, can life skills teacher apply this concepts in the classroom : life skills, positive psychology, your child is my child, positive attachment figures and sexuality education
Lifeskills teacher can apply various concepts in the classroom as;
life skills - the teacher should teach how to build evaluation and analysis in all situations, show how they should be tolerant and resilient, how they can use their strengths past classroom set up.
Positive psychology - The teacher can apply these skills by incorporating reflection, using a systematic approach in class, and cultivate and engage personal practice in positive psychology.
Your child is my child - the teacher should treat all children equally in the classroom, listen to each student as his/her children, give responsibilities as their children, correct bad behavior, and acknowledge good behavior as their children.
Positive attachment figures- The teacher can apply it by promoting the emotional wellbeing, development, and learning of all pupils in the classroom.
Sexuality education - Teachers should develop skills in creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive classroom. The teacher should engage adolescents to make more reasoned and intentional choices sexually, which will result in fewer unwanted pregnancies, less sexually transmitted diseases, and stronger relationships.
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