1.4 Based on your reading ENG2611 study guide,and your own experience, what would you consider as the advantages of a multicultural classroom?Focus on three advantages and discuss them in details. Use relevant examples where necessary. (15 marks)
1.5 Read the following passage about "INTEGRATING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE Extracted from an article by Godwin-Jones,R.(2015),and answer the questions that follow.
1.5.1 State two types of audiences the writer could be targeting with this extract.Support your choice of audiences with examples from the passage. (5 marks)
1.5.2 Identify the register for this passage.Find five features from the passage to illustrate the register you have identified. Your example must include any five of the following:Mode,tenor,phrasing, sentence structure, theme ,or topic.(10 marks)
1.5.3 Based on the assumed purpose of the text,what two aspects have you learned about integrating cultural communicative competence in classroom practice. (5 marks)
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