1.4 One of the aims of new social patterns is the formation of citizens who are aware of their social responsibility. (See p 5 of SoE). Briefly discuss how this aim could be taught in the classroom. (3)
1.5 Identify the main ideas of functionalist theory in relation to schools in society. (5)
1.4. Activity-based learning, in which students learn through direct participation in related activities such as community programs and awareness campaigns, can be used to teach the aim of new social patterns in classroom. Specific initiatives, such as cleaning programs, might be organized by the school to help keep the neighborhood clean. Campaigns on road safety and climate change may be included in class sessions, allowing students to improve their understanding at the classroom level. Teachers can also provide social science classes to pupils in order to educate them on the proper standards. This will enable students to contribute their ideas on public perceptions of social concerns, resulting in the formation of new social patterns.
1.5. Functionalists think that education brings people together and has a beneficial effect on society. They also feel that schooling helps people prepare for later life employment environments and teaches crucial skills. The role of schools, according to functionalists, is to prepare pupils for participation in societal institutions. Students are socialized to be a part of economic, political, and social institutions in schools. Individuals should be shaped to fit within established societal norms.
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