Define and explain how the following influences the acquisition of EFAL and give example of each concept
1. Print-rich classroom
2. Shared reading approach
3. Grammar translation approach
4. The monitor hypotheses
Print rich classroom involves use of different texts that use print for various purposes. It is used for developing children's language skills, because they discover that there is another way to communicate through print. Secondly, it helps foster skills needed for reading language. Examples include signs, labeled centers, wall stories, word displays, labeled murals, bulletin boards, charts and poems.
Shared reading approach is an interactive reading experience between the teacher and the students where students join each other to read a book. The teacher guides them on reading with fluency and proficient expression. An example include Introducing the story by discussing the title, cover, and author/illustrator. Ask the students to make predictions regarding what they think the story might be about. It helps by providing struggling readers with necessary support.
Grammar translation approach involves translating literary language into native language then reading the comprehension, use the knowledge from translated language to make inferences on personal experiences. Example can be asking the students to take 5 vocabulary words from their favorite song and then translate it into English.
The monitor hypotheses involves using the students learned system as the monitor to check what they are learning or reading. It is applied by teaching grammar to the appropriate students, teaching grammar minimally, asking the whole class questions and expect a choral response. Further, asking individual students questions and checking acquisition with timed writing and lastly, let students use the monitor.
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