1) In three sentences ,explain three featured that distinguish critical listening from informational listening
2) Explain in your own words:
a) literacyskills
b) oracy skills
a) Explain in two sentences why you have to engage your schematic
knowledge during the pre-reading stage
b) Nunan (2011:23) identifies six stages of the listening process. Explain in your own
words, your understanding of:
i. Hearing (first stage)
ii. Remembering (fourth stage)
4) Using your own words, explain your understanding of:
a) Passive reading
b) Intensive reading
5) Name two parts of the human body that are used for speech production
a) List two ways in which you can annotate this text while-reading
b) What are the two main purposes for listening
Critical listening requires understanding while informational listening perceives infotmation.
Critical listening looks for evidence while informational listening needs no criticism.
Critical listening checks for logical listening while informational listening focuses on key points.
Literacy skills are those required for writing and reading
Oracy skills include social and emotional, physical and cognitive and linguistic aspects of learning.
To improve reading process. This also increases the understanding.
Hearing, attending, interprering, evaluating, remembering and responding.
Hearing involves receiving of external stimuli or sounds
Remembering involves categorizing and retaining information.
Passive reading involves reading technically the aim being not to understand.
Intensive reading encompasses reading with complete focus and full concentration.
Lungs, mouth
Highlighting key words.
Summarising main ideas.
Listening for comprehension.
Listening for appreciation.
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