200 words each for each topic
1) How should the United States decide who gets to come into the country?
2) If you found out that someone you know is in the United States without authorization what, if anything, would you do/say?
3) In the United States, 12 million unauthorized immigrants live and work here. Should the United States provide them with legal status, or should the United States continue with its current policy?
1) the immigration decision of the United States is deemed to be very complex. first, they base considerations on reunification of families, second, persons with skills and abilities that could bring value to the country's economy and the last group of immigrants to be considered are refugees.
2) first, I would approach the person in question and encourage them to seek authorization from the immigration department with immediate effect. This would have them better placed as the law would not actin anyway against their stay. the second option i would offer could be to acquire a green card through marriage to a U.S citizen if the person is married to a citizen born in U.S or one who has citizenship of United States via any other valid means.
Encouraging them to acquire a DREAMers Green Card through Employment with Life Act Protection would be still helpful to them.
3) The complexity of the immigration rules is one major factor that leads to illegal stay and working in the United States. the government should restore therefore restore sanity in the immigration department and provide legal status to the current persons who are in the country without the valid permissions. On my view the current law is somewhat inhumane and should therefore be relaxed in order to give easier way for persons to acquire work visas or even citizenship to the country.
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