2.1 How was science achievement assessed when you went to school? Did it take your interests and background into account?
2.2 Who had the control in your science classroom at school: the teacher,
students, or both? Was there any discussion about what to study? Discuss.
2.3 Were texts related to current events used at all in your science classroom, for
example, the newspaper articles about climate change and global warming?
2.4 How do you think this approach (in number 2.3 above) advantaged or
disadvantaged you?
Provide References
2.1 How was science achievement assessed when you went to school? It was assessed by gauging my ability to inquire, scientific understanding of the natural world, understanding of the nature and utility of science—are measured using multiple methods such as performances and portfolios, as well as conventional paper-and-pencil tests. Did it take your interests and background into account? Yes
2.2 Who had the control in your science classroom at school? both the teacher and students Was there any discussion about what to study? NO Discuss The teacher directed on what to be discussed each day in class.
2.3 Were texts related to current events used at all in your science classroom, for
example, the newspaper articles about climate change and global warming? Yes
2.4 How do you think this approach (in number 2.3 above) advantaged or
disadvantaged you?
It helped me to understand the essence of conserving environment and making the it better to support life
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