From the book of acts of the apostles how does Jesus prepare the apostles to carry on his ministry? What implications do you see for us today? (Make it in 150 words)
The book of Acts of the Apostles which is the second book written by Luke, teaches about Evangelism which is the main theme of the book of Acts. The Acts of the Apostles describes the infancy period of the early Christian <span style="color: windowtext;">Church</span>, a time when Christianity spread like wildfire. The emergence of Christianity is primarily seen through the actions of Peter, Jesus also taught the disciples about the kingdom (Acts 1:3) and what it entails. The book also teaches about the Pentecost where by, Following the Pentecost (2:1-4), the Descent of the Holy Spirit to the first community in Jerusalem, the mission in Jerusalem is detailed from Chapters 2 through 7. The Acts of the Apostles is often called the Gospel of the <span style="color: windowtext;">Holy Spirit</span>, for in Chapter One Jesus Christ promises the Holy Spirit will come after his Ascension into Heaven and Chapter Two begins with the Pentecost. The book of Acts has many implications on Christians today because the book has taught us how to love one another, ways of about servant leadership, encouraging Christians to follow his example in all things by obeying his words, and also comforting his disciples with the knowledge that God would send them a comforter, the holy spirit.
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