1. "Everyday Use" is about, among other things, how we value those things closest to us, our belongings, our stories, and our family. What is the central conflict here in this story, and how much truth is there in Dee's accusation that her mother and sister don't understand their heritage? Did you see any humor in the story?
Here is the story: http://faculty.weber.edu/jyoung/English%206710/Everyday%20Use.pdf
Appropriate comments, thoughtful and reflective, respond respectfully to other student's remarks, provokes or asks questions and comments from the group. Goes beyond merely summarizing the reading. Proofread and grammatically correct. At least 100 words.
Everyday use is a short story by Alice Walker. It depicts Dee's attitude towards her heritage which differs from her mother and sister. Subsequently her perspective is from education and wealth point of view. On contrary her mother views are based on practical standpoint. The jurisdiction on Dee behavior is based on nice and expensive things.
Dee is described as an antagonist who opposes her mothers view openly.
In conclusion Dee view is not perfect because every opinion counts.
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