you will pack a virtual symbolic suitcase for each member of the Fisher family plus one more character of your choice. Each suitcase must contain six to eight items, and each item must be justified to show the importance of the item and supported with textual evidence. - Tangerine story
Virtual Suitcase for Fisher Family
In each suitcase of a member of the Fisher Family, the following items will be including; warm jacket for protecting them from cold in case of weather change. A phone charger for charging their phones, a computer or a laptop for doing business and connecting with other family members, exercising outfits, for wearing during workouts to keep their body fit, a notebook and a pen, for upcoming recording events, meetings, or important information concerning their real estate business. Another item is an album with family photos to remind them of their siblings and other family members whose contributors and sacrifice brought wealth to them. The other character is Steve Harvey, a comedian. In his suitcase, there will be headphones for listening to music and comedy audios and videos.
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