Read the extract below and answer the question :when people of masarwa tribe heard about marus marriage to one of their own, a door opened on the small, dark airless room in which their souls has been shut for a long time. The wind of freedom, which was blowing thought out the world for all people, turned and flowed into the room. As they breathed in the fresh, clear air their humanity awakened. The examined their condition... How had they fall into this condition when, indeed, they were as human as everyone else? They started to run out into the sunlight, they then turned and looked at the dark small room. They said :"we are not going back there". (Muru by Bessie Head, 1995,Heineneman Series Sandton, pp126-127). 1.2.2discuss whether the topic covered in this extract is relevant for contemporary classrooms and how the content of the extract could be introduced meaningfully or be used in order to accommodate the needs of multilingual and multicultural classrooms.
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