11. Construct an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs of radius 10cm each.
12. Construct a rectangle of sides 65 mm and 40 mm long.
13. Construct a square of 75 mm side. Draw the diagonals intersecting at 0. From 0, draw
lines perpendicular to the sides of the square.
14. Draw a circle of 50 mm radius. Divide it (i) into 8 equal parts by continued bisection and
(ii) into 12 equal parts by bisection of a line and trisection of a right angle methods.
15. Construct a regular pentagon of 30 mm side by different methods.
16. On a line AB 40 mm long, construct a regular heptagon by two different methods.
17. Construct the following regular polygons in circles of 100 mm diameter, using a different
method in each case: (i) Pentagon (ii) Heptagon.
18. Draw the following regular figures, the distance between their opposite sides being 75
mm: (i) Square; (ii) Hexagon; (iii) Octagon.
19. Construct a regular octagon in a square of 75 mm side.
20. Describe a regular pentagon about a circle of 100 mm diameter.
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