Q1: Traffic intensity is one of the important ratio which gives an insight into the queuing delays.
Discuss traffic intensity and its impact on the queue’s behaviour of a router for the following
cases: (i) Traffic Intensity >1 (ii) Traffic Intensity < 1 (iii) Traffic Intensity =1. (You have to
explain your answer with the help of mathematical equations and graph). Marks: 05
Q2: Download the research paper from the link:
http://ccr.sigcomm.org/archive/1995/jan95/ccr-9501-clark.pdf and answer the following
questions: Marks: 05
i. What was the fundamental goal of early Internet architecture?
ii. Describe the second level goals of the Internet architecture?
iii. Internet architecture provides two types of services to the applications, i.e. TCP and
UDP at the transport layer. Which types of applications mentioned in the paper
motivated the inclusion of UDP in the early design of Internet architecture?
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