To determine the concentration of fentanyl in the blood sample, you first need to prepare a stock solution of fentanyl in an appropriate solvent by weighing 2.74 mg of fentanyl and dissolving into the appropriate volume. Determine the volume of solvent needed to dissolve the 2.74 mg to achieve a stock solution concentration of 8.14 x 10-5 M.
The stock solution prepared in section b was further used to prepare five solutions (10 mL total volume) of different concentrations by serial dilutions by pipetting aliquots of 2 mL. Calculate the concentration of each of the newly prepared five solutions in molarity (M) units.
Lastly, the blood sample suspected of containing fentanyl was analysed. The concentration of fentanyl in the blood sample was determined to be 1.78 x 10-6 M. Calculate the number of micrograms (μm) of fentanyl present in the blood sample if the volume of the sample was 10 mL.
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