How will you synthesise valine using Gabriel phthalimide synthesis? Explain giving the sequence of reactions involved.
if the O2 is reacting at the rate of 0.25 Ms-1,
i. rate of NO2
Write the chemical reaction equation for Primary Aromatic Amine, Secondary Aromatic Amine and Tertiary Aromatic Amine.
P, Q and R is An intermediate in the production of commodities such as herbicides, dyestuffs and rubber(C7H7Cl)
a) what is molecular structure of C7H7Cl
b)Regardless of compound P, Q and R; which pair of the molecules are isomeric and give a reason.
c)Give the possibility of structure P, Q and R with a correct nomenclature.
Draw the possible constitutional isomers of C3H6O. Circle and name the functional groups which are present.
Complete the following reactions:H3C Br H3C CH3CONa/CH3CH2OH
Write the mechanism for Knoevenagel condensation.
How you will distinguish between aldehydes and ketones?
Why thionyl chloride is generally used to convert alcohols to alkyl halides? Taking suitable example write the mechanism of the reaction of an alcohol with thionyl chloride.
Explain following: Ether is the major product in the reaction of tert-butylbromide with ethanol