What unit is used to describe reaction rate?
The rate of a reaction is the change in the concentration of the reactants (or products) per unit time. If time is denoted by t (sec or min) and the concentration of a substance is denoted by C (mol / l), the reaction rate is
V = ∆C / ∆t, and the unit of measurement is mol/(l * sec) ; (mol/l) / sec ; mol/(l * min) ;
(mol/l) / min and others.
If the reaction takes place in a homogeneous system, that is, between substances in the same aggregate state, the reaction rate is expressed in the above units.
If the reaction takes place in a heterogeneous system, that is, between substances in different aggregate states (gas-solid; solid-liquid), the gas interacts with the substance only through the surface. In expressing the unit of such reaction rate, the surface area of the solid is taken into account and measured in
mol / (m2 * sec).
ANSWER: mol/(l * sec) or mol/(m2 * sec).
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