Answer the following questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS please dont copy paste
1. Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is an important agent in maintaining our bones healthy. Because of its purpose, Vitamin D supplements are taken by people in considerable amounts. Explain why people should only take Vitamin D supplements in regulated amounts and not in large quantities.
2. Patrick boils a 7-Up beverage. What will happen to it? Explain in terms of temperature as a factor affecting the solubility of gases in liquids.
3. Bien bought a bottle of Mountain Dew. He has an upcoming exam and unintentionally shakes the bottle out of nervousness. What will happen when he opens the bottle? Explain why that will happen in terms of Henry's Law.
1. Side effects of high vitamin D intake cause hypercalciuria and hypocalcemia. Enrichment of vitamin D from all foods foods are the main cause of hypervitaminosis, which is still chronic problem around the world, especially in high-latitude developing countries and in countries where prolonged exposure to sunlight is not recommended. Excessive exposure to sunlight does not lead to excessive vitamin D production
2. With increasing temperature, the solubility of gases in water decreases and CO2 leaves the aqueous solution
3. When a carbonated drink is shaken, unstable carbon dioxide decomposes into CO2 and H2O. In this case, the pressure of the gas above the liquid and the solubility of the gas increases. When the bottle is opened, the pressure of the gas above the liquid drops sharply and the dissolved gas rushes out of the solution, which leads to the release of the gassing liquid from the bottle.
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