I have a plant that has mostly 4-petaled flowers, but one bud opened up and has 5 petals. I was told this is impossible. Do I just have a mutation on my hands, or did someone prank me? I can send pictures.
Expert's answer
Two variants are possible: A. If your plant are transplanted from other plants, it can be a regenerant somaclones. It’s mutation. B. If the plant is not transplanted, it is a phenomenon polypetalous flower, which is referred to teratological phenomena (from the Greek “teratos” – ugliness). Double flowers are called abnormal flowers with an increased number of petals, in most cases they are the result of conversion of stamens (sometimes carpels) into petals. This phenomenon used in horticulture for the development of new varieties of plants.
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27.03.12, 17:31
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27.03.12, 17:26
The plant opened up will all buds being 4-petaled except that one
5-petaled one. It's a Kalanchoe, I don't know whether it was
transplanted from another plant. Thank you for your answer!
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The plant opened up will all buds being 4-petaled except that one 5-petaled one. It's a Kalanchoe, I don't know whether it was transplanted from another plant. Thank you for your answer!
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