The musculoskeletal system consists of skeleton bones and muscles that provide support, movement, and mechanical protection of the organism.
The digestive system is composed of the intestinal tract (oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines) and digestive glands that perform grinding, movement, and chemical processing of food, absorption of nutrients, and removal of undigested residues
The respiratory system consists of airways (nasal and oral cavity, trachea, bronchi) and alveolar lungs that mediate oxygen intake, excretion of carbon dioxide, and other gaseous metabolic products from the body.
The urinary system is composed of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. This system provides excretion of metabolic products, excess water, toxins, and salts, regulates blood pressure, and maintains acid-base balance.
The nervous system comprises the brain and spinal cord, nerves, nerve nodes, and receptors. The system mediates communication with the environment and modulates the functioning of all organs.
The reproductive system is composed of reproductive glands and excretory ducts and provides reproductive function.
The endocrine system is represented by the endocrine glands that regulate metabolism via hormones secreted into the blood.
The cardiovascular system composed of heart and blood vessels that are involved in the transport of blood that directly provides the nutrition, gas exchange, protection, and regulation of all tissues in the organism.
The integument system that includes skin protects the body from mechanical damage, UV rays, and pathogens, as well as is involved in the excretion of metabolic products and thermoregulation.
The immune system consists of immune organs (bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen) and specific immune cells that protect the organism against foreign bodies, infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, protozoa), tumors, and cell debris.
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