What Will Homework of Future Look Like?

What will homework of future look like?

Every day you can be surprised by homework facts: there’s always something new about devices which help us to do homework as well as about new cheating gadgets. Previously we’ve also told you everything about HW roots and history . And now, fancy, what a future of homework will be? What do you place your stake on? Will it be changed? Or will no longer exist?

No homework?

Bet, you doubt about this, but take a sit and be ready. Finland already doesn’t have any homework. In figures, an average US 5th grader spends around 50-60 min per day doing homework. At the same time, Finnish students hardly ever have homework until their teens. The reason is, probably, US teachers spend less time with students, comparatively to Finnish, so the obligatory workload should be completed and revised at home.

No homework

Customized homework

Besides, as for the workload – what is now being discussed by college authorities worldwide is actually more critical issue. Gene approach plays its role and states that you won’t experience a sense of competence in physics, if you are not naturally gifted in this field, in other words, if you don’t have ‘physics gene’. This is why some suggest differentiating homework by size and level of difficulty for each particular student in near future.

College students’ lives develop rapidly, thus homework should be also modernized not only in content and its amount, but also in form of presentation. The first attempt to walk in pace with ‘digital kids’ (yeah right, that’s you) was to adopt the electronic homework. Such work is appreciated by both teachers and students: the first now don’t have to spend time deciphering someone’s handwriting, while others find it easier to simply type and send. At the same time online homework gives chance to get an instant feedback.

Digital era: video games instead of homework?

No homework - play games

Stop, stop, stop… Video games instead of studying? “Are you kidding me?”, you may ask.  And yet, let’s see. Evolution of homework led to such online tools as discussion boards, online classrooms, wikis, etc. Specialists even say that homework future belongs to learning… games! Just imagine your group playing games whole lesson long, killing zombies with math equations. However, it’s not a joke, according to the developers of modern game industry, this type of activity facilitates child’s understanding and comprehension from the first school years, so why not introduce it to the higher stages of education making them more complicated with each grade. Games can be part of class, part of homework or extra curriculum activity ST Math already is. This game now can be downloaded by both teachers and children to cultivate mathematical skills all day long.

'I found a way to get him to do his homework. . .'

Homework with robots

The other revolutionary device (or machine?) is a multifunctional robot box for all subjects. Now look for some free space for this at home because it’s not gonna mess with your bed and fridge. The robot can give you an opportunity to conduct tests, true to life experiments, to be your teacher all in all. But don’t be scared. That’s only fantasts’ idea by now.

Good news about the future that already has come. For those who haven’t heard yet, there’s a good opportunity now to ease and intensify your math homework and tests. PhotoMath application is available on App Store and soon on Android Play Market. Surprisingly  intelligent app will please you with solved mathematical expressions, all you need to do is to use camera of your mobile. It can cover equations, fractions and decimals, powers and roots, and, what is more, this smartie gives you full pack of explanations of how to do this or that. Go download it for free and start solving!

What will future study process look like? Hi-tech and concise, yet most probably it will still require students to solve problems and go through study plan.

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Too many ways to do your homework are to come, huh. But, after all, even in the future you can rely on us in doing your homework if you fail to choose a way how to do it.

Filed under Education.
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