What Skills you Need for Job After Coronavirus

Skills After Coronavirus

It’s obvious to say that our standards and expectations of living and working has changed drastically since the global pandemic started earlier this year. We’ve been forced to change the way we interact with people and how we can safely function in society without risking the health of yourself and others. 

The world is rapidly learning how to adapt to the pandemic situation and has created new rules and regulations in order to keep us safe. Our schools and workplaces have also changed their standards to adapt and change with the times – but what does this mean for our future selves?

How will work and school change exactly?

A lot of factors that we used to consider important and even essential for work and school have taken a backseat to the safety and health of others. Personal hygiene and new hygienic practices are important and have been implanted in many businesses and public places.

Workplaces will require training on these new hygienic practices such as sanitizing surfaces, objects, and hands before handling customers, wearing masks, requesting and enforcing the use of masks by customers, and social distancing practices. 

Schools will also need to follow similar practices – and even go further with things like staggered academic schedules to limit the amount of students in one classroom at the same time, online learning, and in some cases private tutoring. 

Nonetheless, the landscape of the working world affects the livelihood of people as it’s a way of making ends meet.

How can I get a job during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Because of these drastic changes, businesses have altered their structure and system of work, from day-to-day functions and even broader policies. Workplaces have reduced the amount of employees as businesses are limited in how much they can function – which led to layoffs and furloughs and even early retirements. This means that the already-competitive job market has gotten even smaller and more competitive. 

Which jobs are in the most demand?

As the world is changing, so is the job market. In recent years, IT and computer programming jobs have been the most valuable because of the advancement of technology. But there are several others that make a case for growing importance in the world today.

  • Healthcare workers
  • IT specialists
  • Cyber Security
  • Educators/Teachers
  • Financial Advisors/Accountants
  • Research Specialists 

These professions are increasingly gaining more importance and schools and universities are preparing their students for more of these jobs in the future. But besides specializations and careers, there are more general ways to get ahead of the competitive job market. 

At this point, it’s not enough just to have a degree in school and have some formal experience. You’ll have to prove you’re the absolute best of the best to find a job in this current job market.

We’re giving you a list of the most marketable job soft skills that will give you an edge over all other applicants in the job market. 

  1. Leadership – Before the pandemic, leadership wasn’t as valuable as lots of workplaces relied on teamwork and collaboration. Now that the numbers of employees have decreased, companies are looking for leaders who know how to manage smaller teams but stay just as efficient. You don’t need to be a manager to be a leader, you just need to show that you are able to take control of a situation that arises, address concerns to others and be more assertive on the floor rather than stay in the back and be passive. 
  2. Critical thinking – When handling sensitive situations, companies are looking for people who apply critical thinking skills in all phases of work. Why is this so important? Well, solutions aren’t always one way or another, there are several ways to handle it and it should be approached with a similar mentality. Figuring out multiple solutions can help decide which is the best decision to move forward with.
  3. Technology Savvy and Computer literacy – In this day and age, technology is evolving at a record pace. New machines that help us do our everyday tasks are being normalized – there are new inventions that make our lives easier. Learning spreadsheets have almost become obsolete. There are programs that are being developed that make this work faster and more efficient, so you should be able to handle these computer programs. 
  4. Customer service – This skill has been overlooked in lots of areas – but it’s becoming more and more essential. Even in the age of online shopping and contactless delivery and payments, customer service is just how the company can directly address real-time problems that customers may face. Without this aspect of work, lots of business will fail. Even restaurants have raised their standards of customer service to provide a safe environment for its clients. 
  5. Communication skills – A soft-skill used in every job has become even more important, and the way we communicate has also changed. It’s not only about speaking the customer’s language, but now it’s about how to enforce the rules – how to explain the changes that have been made, and why these things matter. It’s not enough only to be polite and kind, but also show empathy and concern. 

How can I learn these skills?

Of course if you’re looking for a job, experience won’t come easy – even though it is the best teacher for these skills. But it’s not your only way of learning new skills. At this time, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for good causes – charities for the homeless and less fortunate, natural disaster relief, children’s educational camps, and even polling places/voting booths. This not only lends a hand to the community you live in, but gives you experience you’ll need to apply for your future jobs. 

Reading the right literature can also help you learn these skills – and it’s not only about practical skills either. Self-help books and motivational books can be an inspiration for you and how you should approach everyday life. It can make you a more effective communicator or even problem-solver. 

Free workshops and classes are also available in some places that can bolster your resume and teach you the necessary skills to advance in the working field. Check out your local listings and even contact recruitment agencies to find some for you. 

Whether you’re a teenager trying to find part-time work or you’re caught in between jobs, there are plenty of ways to find yourself ahead of the crowd and inside of a new and cozy job. Just remember to apply yourself and continue to learn and grow! 

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